In addition to Creating and Opening links, HyperBox supports deleting and modifying links.
To delete an existing link
1) Select (highlight) the linked text
2) Select ‘Delete Link’ from the HyperBox menu
You should change the formatting of the linked text to identify that it is not a link.
To modify an existing document link
1) Select (highlight) the linked text
2) Select ‘Modify Link…’ from the HyperBox menu
The Open/Save dialog box opens prompting for the file to link to.
3) Select the new file to link to
Select a file that’s on your computer or on a network drive.
To modify an existing URL link
1) Select (highlight) the linked text
2) Select ‘Modify Link…’ from the HyperBox menu
3) Press the ‘URL Link…’ button in the Open/Save dialog box
4) Enter the new URL
To change a document link to a URL link
To modify a document link to a URL link, delete the document link and create the URL link. Use the same process to change a URL link to a document link.
1) Select (highlight) the linked text
2) Select ‘Delete Link’ from the HyperBox menu
3) Select ‘Create Link’ from the HyperBox menu
4) Press the ‘URL Link’ button in the Open/Save dialog box
5) Enter the URL
These functions are also available from the ‘Show Links…’ menu command.